The Blog of Jimmy Stewart's #1 Fan

The documented happenings of Melanie Schaafsma, a 30-something gal in Illinois who claims to be Jimmy Stewart's #1 fan.

Friday, January 25, 2008

I'm back

Why is it that I always seem to post at the new year and never after that? A friend of mine started a blog recently, which inspired me to restart up mine. I think it's helpful to write and get off your chest whatever is on your mind at the moment. The problem is, well, this is not a personal diary. It's a statement to the world, if you will. Sometimes I think about all the craziness in my life and I get a little overwelmed. But, then I think, you know, Mel, does it really matter in the whole scheme of life? And more times than not, it doesn't. So, I guess that's how I move from day to day.

At work, we did the "Strengths Finder" test and my number one strength was "Positivity". Now, my husband, Dave, says that I'm "positively negative", but I don't think so. I think I'm sweet. :) Anyway, it's important to have a good outlook. Denise Austin says so. Don't ask how I know that piece of useless information.

Have a great weekend. I'll try to stay caught up this year.