The Blog of Jimmy Stewart's #1 Fan

The documented happenings of Melanie Schaafsma, a 30-something gal in Illinois who claims to be Jimmy Stewart's #1 fan.

Friday, January 28, 2005


Well, it seems I haven't posted in forever. Well, it's been almost a month. January has been extremely busy for me at work so my postings have suffered. By the time I get home, make dinner and take care of the kids, Blogging is last on my mind.

Tonight, Dave and I kicked back with some Davearitas. In other words, they are my husband's SPECIAL margaritas. Perfectly strong in all the right ways.

In case I haven't mentioned it before, my love is in writing. I have a BA in Journalism. Now, for a person that did nothing but write for more than 10 years, it's probably been that long since I've done much creative writing of any variety (unless you count making up poems about my boss) But that is a different story. I guess this blog will serve as a writing outlet for me.

Well, I will write more later. Just thought I'd drop a line to let anyone who is listening know that I'm still alive and kicking.

Take care of you.


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