The Blog of Jimmy Stewart's #1 Fan

The documented happenings of Melanie Schaafsma, a 30-something gal in Illinois who claims to be Jimmy Stewart's #1 fan.

Friday, December 31, 2004

New Year's Eve

Well, today is New Year's Eve. The end of another year has come and I can't believe how quickly it passed by. This year brought a wonderful new addition to our family -- our second daughter, Marisa Rae. She is such a happy baby and she brings so much joy into our lives.

Today we took Rylee and Marisa to the new Children's Discovery Museum in Normal, IL. Rylee had a blast playing with the water exhibit. We wished we hadn't shelled out the extra $6 for the "New Year's Eve" celebration. It only brought us half a cookie and two dixie cups of lemonade. The "balloon drop" also left something to be desired, as they only dropped a small plastic bag of tiny balloons. Let's just say they underestimated how many kids would be showing up for this shindig. All in all, the girls had fun and the only way we could drag Rylee away was to bribe her with the Golden Arches (for the second time this week). Gotta love the power of Mickey D's.

We will be celebrating our New Year's at home tonight and we'll probably watch Rudolph's Shiny New Year on DVD. If I'm lucky, I'll get to enjoy a few glasses of wine. Here's hoping everyone has a terrific and happy new year. Here's to 2005! Cheers!


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