The Blog of Jimmy Stewart's #1 Fan

The documented happenings of Melanie Schaafsma, a 30-something gal in Illinois who claims to be Jimmy Stewart's #1 fan.

Friday, January 25, 2008

I'm back

Why is it that I always seem to post at the new year and never after that? A friend of mine started a blog recently, which inspired me to restart up mine. I think it's helpful to write and get off your chest whatever is on your mind at the moment. The problem is, well, this is not a personal diary. It's a statement to the world, if you will. Sometimes I think about all the craziness in my life and I get a little overwelmed. But, then I think, you know, Mel, does it really matter in the whole scheme of life? And more times than not, it doesn't. So, I guess that's how I move from day to day.

At work, we did the "Strengths Finder" test and my number one strength was "Positivity". Now, my husband, Dave, says that I'm "positively negative", but I don't think so. I think I'm sweet. :) Anyway, it's important to have a good outlook. Denise Austin says so. Don't ask how I know that piece of useless information.

Have a great weekend. I'll try to stay caught up this year.

Friday, January 28, 2005


Well, it seems I haven't posted in forever. Well, it's been almost a month. January has been extremely busy for me at work so my postings have suffered. By the time I get home, make dinner and take care of the kids, Blogging is last on my mind.

Tonight, Dave and I kicked back with some Davearitas. In other words, they are my husband's SPECIAL margaritas. Perfectly strong in all the right ways.

In case I haven't mentioned it before, my love is in writing. I have a BA in Journalism. Now, for a person that did nothing but write for more than 10 years, it's probably been that long since I've done much creative writing of any variety (unless you count making up poems about my boss) But that is a different story. I guess this blog will serve as a writing outlet for me.

Well, I will write more later. Just thought I'd drop a line to let anyone who is listening know that I'm still alive and kicking.

Take care of you.

Monday, January 03, 2005

Nose to the Grindstone

Today marked that fine day when I returned back to work after being on break for more than a week. It's always hard to get out of bed on Monday, but even worse after you've been on vacation. I guess that is why coffee was invented.

I miss the kids today. I have a new picture of Dave and the girls on my desk. Rylee is laughing and Marisa is smiling with her tongue out. It makes me chuckle and that makes my day here at work a little easier.

Friday, December 31, 2004

I'm back

Well, it's not New Year's yet, but no one is online and I've been drinking. That's right, kids, I want to talk to someone. Since no one is around, I shall talk to myself. Hmm...Let's see. What is a good topic? Drunkenness. Ohhh. Is that bad to say? No. I don't think so. It's fun to drink as long as one keeps under reasonable control. Of course, each person defines their own level of reasonableness. I for one am currently under a reasonable control If you heard me talking however, you might say I was not under a reasonable control. Ahh, I amaze myself at my ability to type while drunk. I love you, Mel, you typing goddess. Did I mention that I got a C in typing in high school? That's right kids, I can't type for shit. If this was a typewriter you would see nothing but white out -- corrections all over the damn place. That's the glory of technology, it hides your flaws, and I love the pc for that reason alone.

So this year was good to me. As I said in my earlier post we had a child this year. Our little (or big) Marisa Rae. She is in like the 97th percentile for height and weight, but she is the sweetest baby you'd ever meet. I love her so much. Our family is so wonderful.

Time to take another drink of my Franzia wine. All this typing (and retyping because I'm drunk) is making me thirsty. I have an hour and 15 minutes until the new year. Please come, baby new year...I'm wating for you.

Have any of you ever seen Rudolph's Shiny New Year?? I watched it tonight with Dave and Rylee. That bird (oh, what's his name? Imo??? No, that doesnt' sound right. Ivan? Anyway that bird is just mean) For those of you who have not had the pleasure, here's a review from Rudolph's Shiny New YearRudolph is legendary for saving Christmas, but did you know he saved the New Year as well? While Santa Claus is recuperating from his December sleigh ride, he receives a letter from an old friend, Father Time. Seems that Baby New Year is missing, and if the little tyke isn't found, Old Year will continue forever--a catastrophe for Father Time, whose job it is to keep things moving forward. A search party is essential, yet with such thick fog, there's only one reindeer fit for the job. "Rudolph with your nose so bright, you've six days left to set things right," says Santa. Trouble hits immediately when Rudolph discovers that Aeon the Terrible, a big-beaked monster bird, is also searching for the missing baby. Rudolph gets help from a giant whale and a good-natured caveman, who dish up plenty of song and dance in between narrow escapes in their race against the end of the calendar year. Sound far-fetched? Perhaps, but it contains as much magic as its predecessors, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer and Santa Claus Is Comin' to Town, all produced and directed by Jules Bass and Arthur Rankin Jr., and written by the esteemed Romeo Muller. The same stop-motion animation we've grown to love is here as well, and narrator Red Skelton has as trusted a voice as Burl Ives and Fred Astaire. While the New Year holiday will never be as celebrated as Christmas, this title is a welcome addition to any Rankin and Bass collection of holiday films. --Lynn Gibson

Well, I'd better get going...more to drink and got to get to sleep after that. Have a good one. You never know, I may write again.

Take care and happy New Year!

New Year's Eve

Well, today is New Year's Eve. The end of another year has come and I can't believe how quickly it passed by. This year brought a wonderful new addition to our family -- our second daughter, Marisa Rae. She is such a happy baby and she brings so much joy into our lives.

Today we took Rylee and Marisa to the new Children's Discovery Museum in Normal, IL. Rylee had a blast playing with the water exhibit. We wished we hadn't shelled out the extra $6 for the "New Year's Eve" celebration. It only brought us half a cookie and two dixie cups of lemonade. The "balloon drop" also left something to be desired, as they only dropped a small plastic bag of tiny balloons. Let's just say they underestimated how many kids would be showing up for this shindig. All in all, the girls had fun and the only way we could drag Rylee away was to bribe her with the Golden Arches (for the second time this week). Gotta love the power of Mickey D's.

We will be celebrating our New Year's at home tonight and we'll probably watch Rudolph's Shiny New Year on DVD. If I'm lucky, I'll get to enjoy a few glasses of wine. Here's hoping everyone has a terrific and happy new year. Here's to 2005! Cheers!

Thursday, December 30, 2004

Blog Virgin

So this is the first time I've created a blog. I'll writ e more later after the kids go to bed and I can learn more...Take care.